CJ TWOMEY 1989-2010

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

SCATTERING CJ is a labor of love. 

It’s an idea born out of my broken mom’s heart following the tragic suicide of my beloved son CJ. 

CJ was only 20 years old when he ended his life. 

For the past three years, I have literally stumbled through life trying to wake from this horrible nightmare. I can’t change what happened although I would do anything to bring him back.

As his mom, I want nothing more than to turn back the clock and fix whatever led him to this decision…repair what was broken…give him the life he no longer has…grant him the gift of time that he’ll never know.

SCATTERING CJ is my attempt to give my son SOMETHING. It’s a mission to show my son – my crazy, life of the party, lover of people, smile so wide it entered a room before he did son – some of the world that he never got to see. It’s an effort to allow my child to forever rest in locations hand picked by caring friends, family and strangers alike.

It’s simply a chance to put my faith in mankind (a faith that has completely disappeared since witnessing my son end his life) and ask that others help me complete CJ’s final journey.

Please share this page and my mission with others if you are so inclined. So many people have already agreed to help take CJ on this journey but I truly hope many more will. This page will allow people to quickly and easily indicate that they are willing to scatter his ashes. It will also be a great way for me to share some of the pictures and video that I receive. Please feel free to comment or post as often as you'd like. Each time someone shares this page or leaves a quick note, CJ's journey will grow.

Thank you in advance to anyone that offers to take CJ on an adventure.

I honestly can’t find words that adequately express how much I appreciate it.

Please know that you are helping my very broken mom heart deal with the worst pain I have ever and will ever face.


  1. saw CJ on CNN again, it made me smile. ive followed ur blog long before the tragic loss of CJ. U are doing wonderful things Mrs. T

    1. Thank you - forgot we toyed with the idea of this page instead of FB - glad you commented here so I could revisit it again. :)
